"This is how I would like to feel when making decisions that affect so many people! Nature helps me connect with my true self and deepest values". Those words were uttered by a high-ranked CEO lying on his back on a mountain slope above the tree line during a break. Göran Gennvi
“In times of turmoil, the danger lies not in the turmoil itself, but in facing it with yesterday’s logic.”
- Peter Drucker
- Brian Arthur
Our Leadership training focuses on the ability to transform.
Access Earth Wisdom for deep Insights and Transformative Learning.
Become a Pathfinder on the exciting journey into the unpredictable future.

Göran is one of our (oh so important) co-creators at Houdini Sportswear. As such he has contributed immensely on our journey, in many more ways than I, and perhaps he had initially anticipated. From leading the entire Houdini team through a Nature Quest in the outer archipelago to engaging in our philosophical reflections around our brand and purpose to helping shape our plan for the future to connecting us with key thought leaders to reach even further. Göran is this curious, wise, generous, and fun systems thinker who engages, goes in-depth, and innovates systemically, leaving nothing or no one behind.
- Eva Karlsson, CEO Houdinisportswear

We have had the privilege to be guided by Göran through a two-year regenerative learning process to find the source code for success and for our complete international organisation to internalise the findings. Different dialogue workshops have developed a better understanding of the importance of trust-building in our business and how to nourish our corporate culture.
- Ulf Stenerhag - CEO, Wayoutint

We at Lifesum had the pleasure of working with Göran on the leadership level and the whole company on our future vision and strategy. Göran was key to getting us moving fwd. Göran demonstrated how experienced and talented he is in the transformation and leadership development field. His competence, way of listening to what is happening, wisdom, positive energy, and adaptability to the situation make it a treat to work with him.
- Victoria Vallström - CTO, Lifesum

I had one of my most humbling learning experiences with you Göran Gennvi. The session was enlightening, and I have been left to reflect deeply on how I can meaningfully develop inwards to connect outwardly better. Nature is the best classroom ever. Priceless and transformative! Thanks, and be blessed.
- Mutinta Shitaze Lumayi - General Manager, Care Cooperative Savings & Credit Society Limited
Why and for whom?
Calibrate the inner compass.
"My insights on the mountain developed an understanding of a deep-seated code, an inner compass that evolution has refined for our adaptation and survival. Those abilities helped us grow and spread as a species."
- Participant in a Nature Quest
Transformative learning
The expansion of consciousness through which an individual can question themselves about their own feelings, beliefs, assumptions, and perspective on their purpose.
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Transformative leadership
Transformative Leadership requires standing solid even when leading in uncertainty, "not knowing", and expanding the boundaries by leading through others. Read more by clicking the button:
Beyond sustainability
Companies and organizations must develop beyond sustainability to become a positive and regenerative force for society and the planet.
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Get Wild - Theory of change
* Have faith, lean into and surrender to the wisdom of nature,
Get insights
* Gain insights through direct experiences in nature,
* Learn and act on the deep insights,
Practice leadership
* Exercise leadership by applying wisdom and insights in everyday actions,
* Give people a direct experience in nature by providing a Learning Lab,
Practice dialogue
* Channel Nature's wisdom through transformative dialogue.

Our management systems today are based on the notion that the world is predictable. But the world does not look like that! Leadership increasingly means the ability to manoeuvre to an increased degree of unpredictability, risk, and dynamism and to manage and take advantage of many perspectives constructively. Therefore, Our methods focus on "building the ability to lead on the edge of chaos."

Easy access
Contact by: Phone/text: +46–(0)70–5128198
Email: gennvi@natureacademy.se

City Office: United Spaces, Klarabergsg. 63, Stockholm
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